PICKENS COUNTY — Voter turnout was slightly above seven percent for the 2021 municipal elections, with 2,629 ballots cast on Nov. 2.
Let’s break it down by municipality according to official certified election results posted on SCVotes.org.
Andrew Beckner narrowly came out on top over incumbent Mac Martin in the Mayoral race 142 votes to 129. But even with neither candidate reaching 50 percent, a run-off is not in the future. Rosa Grayden landed 83 votes, coming in third.
For Town Council, three seats were available with five candidates running. Paige Hudson Bowers, Ken Dill and L.C. Hayes Jr. took the votes, beating out Daniel Evatt and Kim Allen.
The only contested race in Easley was for Ward 2 on City Council and with 68.16 percent of the vote, challenger Denise Davidson defeated Kent Dykes. Terry Moore and Jim Robinson both retained their seats representing Wards 4 and 6 respectively.
Jeff Fogle was unopposed for Combined Utilities Commissioner.
As with Easley, there was only one contested race in Liberty — the at large City Council seat. John Hayes came out over Chuck Powell for the seat after securing 61.64 percent of the vote.
The uncontested races (predictably) ended with Robbie Shoenleben taking Ward 1, Peggy Edwards for Ward 2, and Daniel Graybeal for Ward 3. Erica Romo Woods ran uncontested for Mayor.
Brian Cook and Lawrence McClure took the two available spots on the Norris Town Council.
Pickens needed three City Council members and had four candidates toss their hat in. In the end, Patrick Lark, Donnie McKinney and Robert Nealy landed the needed votes with Ed Leese coming up short.
Six Mile
Two seats were available on Six Mile’s Town Council and they went to James Atkinson and Jadd Smith.
School Board Dist. 7
Amy Williams landed 80.84 percent of the vote to defeat TJ Layton for the District 7 seat’s unexpired term. The seat was vacated earlier this year by Alice Vander Linden after she moved out-of-county.
Reach Kasie Strickland at 864-855-0355.