Margo Eubanks receives the U.S. Flag in honor of her grandfather on July 4th at the Easley American Legion. Members of Post 52 did a special flag-folding ceremony in honor of the World War I veteran.
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EASLEY — Margo Eubanks has lived in Easley the past 54 years.
But last Thursday (on July 4), is one day that she’ll never forget. She took some time to talk about it all during a special lunch at the Easley American Legion Post 52.
“Today was very special to our family,” said Margo, sitting with her family at lunch. “We gathered so that the flag of my grandfather (Winfred Lane), who served in World War I, could be properly folded.”
The Honor Guard for Easley 52 stepped up for the family.
Also present for this big day were her aunts (Marilyn and Donna), uncle (Dan), and cousins (Lisa and Cathy).
Continued Margo, “This was a moving ceremony, celebrating a father, grandfather, and patron of our country. The flag-folding ceremony meant the world to us. We will now be able to display the flag and show honor to a great man and a wonderful country. We thank the American Legion (Post 52) for having this ceremony for us.”
The story behind it all is heartfelt, too, and Lisa (Blake) took some time from her lunch to reflect on it all.
“Winfred’s memorial service was held in Florida in 1989,” Lisa said, “and his remains were buried in his home state of Maine later that year and the flag somehow got misplaced. It was found recently folded in a square in a cardboard box by Margo who arranged for the American Legion post to do a flag-folding ceremony, so it could be framed and hung.”
Reach Jeff Holt at 864-855-0355.