Pictured are Michelle Gagdalo, Jessica Burnett and Christina Kelley last Friday night working at the concession stand. All three are helping lead the way to the first Booster Club for Pickens High School.
Courtesy photo
Last Friday night, the outside area of Pickens High School (by the entrance of the football field) lit up with live music and a barbecue. Plus, local residents enjoyed a cornhole tournament, a bouncy house for the kids and a huge bake sale.
But in the big picture, it was the beginning of a Booster Club at PHS. They currently have 10 members with Christina Kelley leading the way as the President. Jessica Burnett serves as the Secretary and Michelle Gajdala is the Treasurer.
“Anyone is eligible to join,” said Kelley. “Elections and nominations for board positions are coming in September. We are looking to gain community support, and build a support system to help us support all of the (PHS) teams.”
Not to overlook are the volunteers for the PHS Booster Club: Kristofer Clark, Annah Gainey, Sandy Hinton, Gary Hinton, Ashley Clark and Karen Doty.
Membership options are: $15 for an individual, $25 (2) for Family and $10 for faculty.
The money from the PHS Booster Club will also go towards equipment and supplies for all the teams, field and facility maintenance, game-day meals and transportation. There are currently six Corporate Sponsor Packages: Blue Flame Sponsor ($2,000), Red Hot Sponsor ($1,000), Golden Ember Sponsor ($750), Silver Sparkle Sponsor ($500), Yellow Flare Sponsor ($250) and the Orange Heat Sponsor ($100). You can make checks payable to Pickens Blue Flame Booster Club.
For more information, you can contact Christina Kelley at pbfboosters@gmail.com
Reach Jeff Holt at 864-855-0355.