Saving money can be like driving a car. Your desired destination may be near or far, the direction you choose might change, and when it’s time for its annual maintenance, you make sure your car gets a tune-up. And just like your car needs its annual maintenance, your savings need a yearly tune-up, too. Starting February 24 through February 29, it’s America Saves Week, an annual opportunity to assess your saving behaviors and commit to saving successfully by setting goals and making plans. While the concept of saving money seems simple enough – spend less than you earn – the actual practice of saving can be difficult. In fact, the 2018 National Financial Capability Study commissioned by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation found that, in South Carolina, 17 percent of individuals reported they had spent more than their income over the past year, 31 percent had medical bills that were past due and 49 percent lacked a rainy day fund.

No matter your age or stage of life, it’s never too late to start smart saving habits – whether it’s for a significant purchase, retirement, unexpected expenses or everyday costs. So, how do you go about it? And how do you stay on track to reach your goals?

#1. Set a Budget

It’s easy enough to set a savings goal, but it’s important to have a plan for how you’ll achieve it. After all, you wouldn’t start a road trip without first mapping it out. Once you’ve set your goal, you’ll need to set a budget. Developing and sticking to your budget is the key to saving your money and spending it wisely. After all, you can only find extra money to save by either spending less or earning more. Building a budget can help you track your spending and identify unnecessary expenses that can help you cut costs and save more. By setting a budget for yourself, you’ll have a roadmap in place for growing your savings.

#2. Pay Yourself First

If you struggle to find ways to save more money, prioritize paying yourself first. Approach paying money into your savings or investment accounts the same way you approach paying a bill – except treat it like it’s the most important ‘bill’ you pay.

This strategy turns saving money from something you hope or want to do into something you have to do, which in turn, will help you build substantial savings over time. One of the easiest ways to make paying yourself first a habit is by making it automatic, so consider setting up automatic deposits through your employer or reoccurring account transfers through your financial institution.

If you’re one of the many Americans carrying debt, don’t be discouraged from committing to saving, because paying down your debt is saving. When you reduce any outstanding debt by paying it on time, you’re maintaining your credit score and saving yourself extra fees and interest you’d owe later, saving you money in the long-term.

#3. Build an Emergency Fund

Emergencies come in all shapes and sizes – a flat tire, an unexpected trip to the hospital, maybe even losing your job. Unexpected expenses will happen whether you’re prepared or not, which is why it’s important to build an emergency fund. By having an emergency fund, you’ll be better prepared to handle any unexpected costs that may arise, and you’ll have better peace of mind knowing you can handle an emergency expense. While the target amount you should save for emergencies varies from person to person, a good place to start is $500.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to building wealth, these three basic principles can act as a roadmap on your savings journey. While the road to reaching your goals won’t always be smooth – there may be a few bumps along the way – you’ll now have a strong financial foundation that will drive you to your final destination: success.

Curtis Loftis

State Treasurer

Curtis Loftis is the State Treasurer of South Carolina.